Check out these early 1900’s vintage monogram plates that we’ve sourced for you today from an old book. They work great for making printables like bookmarks and tags. You could also use them for making your own bookplates or rubber stamps. They would also work great for graphic design projects. Just download the PNG clip art images and stock vector below.
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These are wonderful! Thank you!
Wow, these are gorgeous! Thanks a bunch!
You’re welcome Melanie! Glad you like them.
I just found your wonderful site last night while looking to make some Apothecary labels. Thank you so very much for sharing your talents with us! I realize that not all of the deigns are your originals however I can imagine it must take a good amount of time to find and digitalize create the posts etc. Thank you so very much! I am a bit upset that I didn’t get much sleep last night though. After each page I would say to myself that the next would be the last for the night but I just couldn’t stop! Awesome work! Thank you!
You’re welcome Jacqueline! I know the feeling of not getting enough sleep after digging into creative projects. It’s so hard to quit once you get started! :)